Sunday, December 12, 2010

Change (2001)

Dreaming about the next post, I thought that each year may carry a word. And "Change" would be my word for 2001. New hobby, new people, new ideas, new friends... new love. Figured out that falling in love is inappropriate, dramatic, overwhelming, frustrating, disappointing... But possible... "I'd rather regret the things I have done..." Yes, the year 2001 opened my heart to changes.

I don't think that all these can be seen in my pictures. I just tried.
Some abstract images. Mood impressions. People.
And of course, the kids! But the last part I am leaving for the next post.
The Spring
Moscow boulevard
In parallel

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Ten years

Recently, I've realized that I'm for ten years in photography by now (how weird to count years in tens!). Even during the long breaks, when I didn't touch the camera at all, I knew that photography is in my heart. I will collect here my favorite photos taken during this time.

This is the first one that I really liked, fall 2000. 

The End of the Season.

It was originally posted at, but later on I moved to I was very lucky to experience the unique "early days" atmosphere of these sites, to meet the incredible people, to find real friends. 

I'm not sure what will come out of this project. At least, this way I can give a glance backward - to remember myself before, how and why changed... Hopefully, the photos will interest somebody else. For example, my kids.